Surprise!!! Here is Tom eating up his new Ipod Touch.
Dec 27, 2008
Christmas 2008
Surprise!!! Here is Tom eating up his new Ipod Touch.
Dec 22, 2008
A Neighborhood Revolution
Now to the video. We decided to combine the Revolution with one of our Christmas traditions. We don't play up Santa at Christmas time. Not because we think it is unChristian. We are not stringent about it. We just chose at the beginning not to say that Santa was who brought them presents. We do however stress the real story of St. Nicholas and how he gave anonymous gifts to boys and girls and how he did so because of his love for Jesus. In the spirit of this, we have the kiddos pick someone whom they want to give a secret Santa gift to. We let them play Santa and give an anonymous gift to someone. This year it was our neighbor. He loves to come to our house and play ball with Wil. And Mags has a capital time with him too. Our Secret Santa adventure took place last night as we delivered the gift with a Gift Revolution card attached. It was all caught on tape. I realize once they [Tom, Wil, and Maggie] start running to the house, you only see blackness but my hope was that I would have enough battery on my camera for them to take it and come back. My hope was lost. The battery took out because Tom and the kids couldn't find a good spot to leave the gift. I was just praying that they weren't shot at being mistaken as a burglar. So if you attempt something like this, use extreme caution no doubt.
Tom just came home and said when he pulled in from work, the neighborhood boy waved real big. I wonder if he knows? If you wonder what happened after the tape quit rolling, let's just say Tommy tripped on a stick and a full moon lit up the sky. On that note have a MERRY CHRISTMAS!!!
Dec 17, 2008
Icy Fun
We got out in it today. It was fun for a while, but Mags got her hands wet (she had on gloves but they were cheap gloves) and Wil threw a ice ball at her which hurts like heck. I tried to tell him that it is not a snow ball when you throw it at Maggie and it doesn't bust. It is like throwing a golf ball at her....really son!
Well daddy is home now to save the day. Poor guy. Although he doesn't complain, I know it is not fun delivering the mail in this weather. Someone called the other day and ask if Tom had to work. Please....the mail goes on rain, snow, sleet or hail (the mail will prevail). But now he has come to rescue us and whisk us off to the lovely mall for haircuts and grocery shopping.
Dec 11, 2008
The Tradition Train (All Aboard)
2. Take kids to buy 08's ornaments- check
3. Build Gingerbread house- check
4. Christmas Card Photo Shoot (me)- check
5. Make Christmas Cookies
6. Read Christmas Story (in progress)
7. Sibling Gift Exchange
8. Secret Santa Adventure
9. Do 101 Christmas Crafts-ha
Here is a look at my Tradition To-Do List. There is probably more, but these were the ones I had off the top of my head. It is rather funny [or not so] to think about my reasons for filling up our December calendar with tradition activities. I plug these traditions to keep Christmas special and to stay away from the stress and hassle of commercialized Christmas. Uh, hello, these wonderful traditions are killing me. The pressure of checking these off my list make me irritable.
What are traditions?
Traditions are what you want to do year after year after year.... I need to put a whoa on the tradition train. The thought of having 2 more hands (Trey) next year decorating the very practical Gingerbread shack is enough to mark it off momma's tradition list. Here are some pictures of the first annual Gingerbread decorating Christmas tradition. I yap, but we had a good time. Ask Maggie. She will say her favorite part was eating the icing and candy when we weren't looking. The side of the house caved in only once and the gingerbread man wouldn't stay up, but all in all it went pretty smooth.
Dec 8, 2008
CHE Christmas Party
Maggie is now standing by me at the computer crying huge tears because her Ziploc bag of candy is gone. Oh, she is on to me. She has now accused me of throwing it away. Here comes Wil. Apparently Mags took it upon herself to borrow some of Wil's. Now a fight is on. Excuse me while I get Maggie's claws out of Wil's eye.
Dec 4, 2008
Tribute #3 - Trey Dawg
Really I did think this to be true, but a little trip to Ruby Tuesday's Tuesday caused me to remove my rose colored glasses. Let me explain here if you will. It has been about 6 years since we had been to this restuarant. They changed the atmosphere, it seemed, since our last visit. From our perspective it went from fun to romantic. I looked to my left and see a couple (without children) gazing into each other eyes and holding hands (not exaggerating). Behind me is an older couple who looked a little let down when we passed their table with 3 children. Then there is our table: table # loud. Wil is saying "watch this" as he tries to do a head stand in the booth.... I kid you not!! Maggie is being Maggie by talking to us like we were across the restaurant from her. It is here that Trey's image of perfection starts to fade. In the middle of the meal, he had enough sitting in the high chair. A maddening scream led us to this conclusion. Lately these maddening screams have gotten frequent in number and louder in sound. In Trey's defense, these screams have become a defense mechanism to defend against Maggie's urges to get in his face and talk baby talk and then pick him up and plop him down. So back to Ruby Tuesday's. Trey and I spent some quality time in the van for he was disturbing the peace in Ruby's.
Nov 29, 2008
Tribute #2- Life With Maggie
The next to last picture is Tom and Mags going on their first daddy-daughter date.
Nov 26, 2008
Happy Thanksgiving!
Nov 25, 2008
Tribute #1: Wilson Collis
....And so the tributes begin...with Wilson Collis Archer (a.k.a Wil, W.C. ,
Willie Boy, Wil Bub). He is our first born, a typical first born too. He is cautious, reserved,
One word comes to mind for those who know Wilson best-BASKETBALL. This makes for a VERY happy daddy. The boy loves it. I'm not exaggerating when I say from birth until about 4 years old, the only toy that occupied Wil's time was a ball (many kinds). Whether he was shooting it, hitting it, throwing it, walking with it, or sitting on it. Now at 5 years old, he has only one other pastime. It is puzzles. He can work circles around me with a puzzle.
The cutest thing with Wil right now is that he is taken by the girls. He is drawn to em' like a moth to a flame!! He chases them around the gym on Mondays. The funny thing is that they chase him back. Let me just say he is seriously committed too. I have even seen him step in with a protective reflex and defend them. I was quite impressed. What a blessed girl wh
Wil, my son. He was the beginning for me. The beginning of a whole new chapter in my life. This chapter lies at the root of a deeper walk with God. The chapter of Wil purposed me to live better and love deeper!!
My prayer for Wilson is that he will be a man after God's own heart, that he will find the road in which God has his race marked out specifically for him. I want him to love people and glorify God by living and doing all that God has set for him to do.
Nov 20, 2008
Back In The Game
Let me share how I come to the idea of blogging tributes to my kids. Over the past month I have been in what I like to call the "parenting pit". This is a place where I turn into a momma that even I can't tolerate- impatient, demanding, distracted, and selfish. Usually I fall into this pit when I become preoccupied with me, myself, and I. It becomes about my agenda, my to-do list, my expectations, my need, and my wants. I have come to recognize this pit. As I am falling I hear a familiar voice spouting out orders, correcting behavior like a resounding gong, and losing my cool over a misplaced library book. Just before I hit the bottom I realize what has happened and I weep over it! I weep because there has never ever ever been a greater passion and love in my heart than being a mom and a keeper of our home. And when we stumble in our calling [and we will, it can be discouraging.
As I blog these words, I am once again in reaching distance of the solid ground and I can taste the freedom of God's grace.
God handed me 2 things:
#1- An attitude adjustment
#2- And a new perspective
What I learned:
1. Only by the grace of God can I be a momma that shines a light for Jesus for my kids to see.
2. The expectations I placed on Wil and Maggie are not reasonable.
3. Distraction had led me to lose my focus.
4. The line became blurred between what my responsibility as a mom is and what is out of my control. How do you spell this? P-R-I-D-E.
What Am I To Do About It (in random order)
1. Love on my kids.
2. Bible time is the only school that is absolutely mandatory.
3. Play pretend with Mags
4. Shoot hoops with Wil
5. Lots of peek-a-boo, Itsy, Bitsy Spider, and funny faces with Trey
6. Pray
7. Spend time with the LORD.
8. Watch my tone
9. Seek ye first the kingdom of heaven (it starts here)
Alright then. I am Momma. Hear me roar!!!
This roaring is fueled by God's grace of course.
So in honor of God's merciful fresh start I will give tribute to the three greatest attempts I have to leave a lasting legacy for the glory of God.
I'm back in the game.
Nov 10, 2008
Jelly Toast Anyone?
Nov 7, 2008
Wil's Pick
Wil was introduced to Dodge ball at church. I believe Christopher Moix ushered the game in in the preschool room. We were at Co-op (Monday school) and Wil pegged a sweet boy in the head with the ball during a friendly game. When I asked where he learned that he said "Abbie's daddy". It totally cracked me up [not that he threw the ball at the boy but the "Abbie's daddy part]. Boys will be boys.
So tonight Wil played endlessly with the Wii. The boy can play some Wii now. Micah was awesome with Maggie. She wrote up a cool little invitation to a tea party in her room. They dressed up and had tea and grapes with Maddie. Tom and I just sat back and enjoyed watching our kids be kids. We also got to watch a little NBA on Uncle Mike and Sissy's 52 inch flat screen. That was a bonus for us.
Wil had a great family night. "You never know what I'm gonna pick for my next family night?" was Wilson's last words as we got in the van to leave.
Nov 6, 2008
Got Scissors?
Nov 5, 2008
In Beth Moore's Words...
To my beloved Sisters who I esteem so highly and consistently find to be part of the solution to our problems in the Church rather than the cause,Please join me in praying for our President-elect Barack Obama, his wife Michelle, and his precious daughters, Sasha and Malia. Go with me before the Throne of our sovereign God and ask Him to grant wisdom from above to President-elect Obama and the indwelling presence and power of Jesus Christ. In the words of the Apostle Paul, "I urge, then, first of all, that requests, prayers, intercession and thanksgiving be made for everyone - for kings and all those in authority, that we may live peaceful and quiet lives in all godliness and holiness. This is good, and pleases God our Savior..." Please also join me in the active and deliberate pursuit of unity and purity in the Body of Christ at this historical time in our country. I implore you in Jesus Name to have zero tolerance for prejudice whether it is regarding party-affiliation, color (whether you are Black, White, or Brown), economics or the like. Disagreement is not sin. Prejudice is. Satan has plotted events and planted attitudes that, should he be successful, will result in havoc. We must not stand for his schemes or cooperate in a single way. We would severely displease God and invite untold chastisement upon Christ's Church in our nation. Speak clearly to your children and graciously but emphatically draw a line in your work places and social circles regarding your stand against prejudice of any kind. "Jesus knew their thoughts and said to them, 'Every kingdom divided against itself will be ruined, and every city or household divided against itself will not stand.'" (Matthew 12:25) A united house stands. A divided house falls. The devil has much to gain. But he also has much to lose.We are the Body of Jesus Christ and we have an opportunity to show His character. This is our watch. We stand for what is right not from our feet but from our knees. I humble myself before you and make these pleas under such bold direction of God that I could not resist it nor disobey it. He made it a fire in my bones.I love and esteem you so much. Shoulder to shoulder, Dear Siestas. Let's leave not one inch for the enemy to come between us.
Posted by Beth at 6:42 AM
Nov 4, 2008
God's Word = Peace
You are the King that is above every nation. As concerns fill our mind during this time, let it not take the place of You. Thank you for Your Word that gives me peace.
Psalm 24:7-10
Open up, ancient gates!
open up ancient doors,
and let the King of glory enter.
Who is the King of glory?
The LORD, strong and mighty;
the LORD, invincible in battle.
Open up, ancient gates!
open up, ancient doors,
and let the king of glory enter.
Who is the King of glory?
The LORD of Heaven's Armies-
He is the King of Glory.
*Don't we sing a worship song based on this verse? Ahhhhh to worship Him in Spirit and Truth.
This passage is lengthy, but the way it uplifted my heart....I had to share it!!
I Timothy 6:12-16
Fight the good fight for the true faith. Hold tightly to the eternal life which God has called you, which you have confessed so well before many witnesses. And I charge you before God, who gives life to all, and before Christ Jesus, who gave a good testimony before Pontius Pilate, that you obey this command without wavering. Then no one can find fault with you from now until our Lord Jesus Christ comes again. For at just the right time Christ will be revealed from heaven by the blessed and only almighty God. the King of all kings and Lord of all lords. He alone can never die, and He lives in light so brilliant that no human can approach Him. No human eye has ever seen Him, nor ever will. All honor and power to Him forever! Amen.
Hearing this promise, tells me that I can be fearless whatever this life brings. Every knee will bow before Him from Obama to McCain to Hannah Montana.
Nov 1, 2008
All Hallow's Eve
It took the whole household to get even this picture.
Oct 28, 2008
Sheila Raye
Watching my mom grieve was the hardest part. Her and I were the last two to walk away from the casket before they lowered it. Mom touched it and told her daughter she would be there soon. Where? Heaven and when we all get there what a day of rejoicing that will be. Keep us in your prayers as the LORD guides us through this time of grief.
Oct 18, 2008
Eagle Football
Oct 16, 2008
What's My Cross Today?
"What is my cross today, LORD?"
During my quiet time I read Luke 9:23-27 in which Jesus says to His disciples:
If any of you wants to be My follower, you must turn from your selfish ways, take up your cross daily, and follow me.
Two things jumped out at me. One is Him saying to turn from your selfish ways. Ouch!! Doesn't the LORD know us so well. The second thing is when He said we must take up our cross daily. Tommy spoke very well the other Sunday when he said that we must be obedient in the simple things first. I may not suffer at the hands of monstrous persecution daily, but you can be that daily there will be times when my flesh wants to go another way or do another thing than that of God's will.
Who knows what the day holds for me? It most likely will be a normal day, but even the most menial of task can be God glorifying. In what ways? Let me share some common occurrences with you.
Momma, Maggie hit me.
Crash. "What was that?" Wil, why were you climbing on the arm of the chair? My one and only vase is broken now (the other day he knocked its twin off the fireplace mantle and it shattered).
I run in the other room because I hear Trey choking. "Maggie stop picking Trey up by his neck. For the last time he will not fit in your baby doll stroller."
And my newest dealing is with Maggie. Maggie really is a good girl. She is just curious and strong willed just like her daddy. Screaming is Mags' new coping mechanism. Be it at Wil or just because she can't get her baby doll's shoe on right. She gets this from me. I don't scream but when I can't get something to work I get so frustrated. I keep saying to her: Maggie, you gotta have self-control. Calm down and let your reaction be gentle. I then have to tell her that I too have to ask Jesus for help when I get frustrated with things. I love the quizzical look that is returned to me.
I love being home with my children. And I am in 100% agreement with God that my purpose lies at home nurturing my children and loving my husband. With this comes trying days and even tears of inadequacy. I don't want to carry the cross of disciplining them (for the 20th time in a day) or serving Tommy when I myself just want to be served! But its my joy to honor God in all I do.
If you try to hang on to your life, you will lose it. But if you give up your life for my sake, you will save it. Luke 9:24
The cool thing is giving my life to Jesus is not a loss. It is not a burden even. Is it hard sometimes? Sure it is. Do I question His direction at times? I do. But I never stay there long because I am met with peace knowing His will and ways are perfect.
So what is your cross today? May the LORD lead you to it and may you joyfully take it up.
Oct 12, 2008
Lessons from To Kill A Mockingbird

Oct 9, 2008
Petting Zoo II
I have actually read that even from infancy when daddy walks into the room, the baby's heart rate will increase significantly. I think I read that in Bringing Up Boys by James Dobson. If I knew how to handle hyperlinks, I would make one for this book. Unfortunately I do not. I have a autographed copy if you would like to borrow it though.
At least once a day my kids will request for me to do some fun thing daddy does with them. And after I put all I have into it I will be shot down with a comment like, "you're not doing it right" Maggie actually cries real tears when I get it wrong. For instance there is a wall we pass on the way to church when we take the short cut alongside the old mall. The wall separates the car dealership and the mall. Anyway Tom chants something as we pass this particular wall and my kids laugh and eat it up. On several occasions I have tried to play this part when Tom is not in the car with us. What does Mags do? You got it. She burst into tears because I don't use the same voice fluctuation. Now you wonder why I go to such exorbitant means to prove a point. I just want to say how important the small things are to our kids. I can guarantee you that the "wall story" and many others will be talked about at Thanksgiving dinners for years to come.
The wrestling times are a hoot at our house. The other day at dinner Tommy played a game with us and we had a blast. You might want to try it. He got a wooden spoon and spun it in the middle of the table. Whoever it landed on had to answer a question like, "what is your favorite thing to eat" or "if you could go anywhere right now, where would it be". We may not have money to buy our kids all they desire or even half of their desires, but who cares right? Our children need more of us. We live in a time when parenting magazines recommend trying to commit 10 minutes a day with each child and scheduling one Saturday a month as family day. That's not okay to me. Our children don't need nintendos, computers, after school activities, ballet lessons, play groups and soccor practice nearly as much as they need US. They need fathers who sit and listen to their days, mothers who join in and make crafts with them, parents who take the time to read them stories and act like idiots with them. They deserve to help us make supper even though it takes twice as long and makes twice as much work (I have learned to make myself do this one cuz I wanna do it without hassle). They deserve to know that they're a priority for us and that we truly love to be with them. I am so thankful to the ladies in my life who have taught me this by example because it is so easy to be focused on my to-do list. We as parents just need to be with them and love them and be goofy with them. Daddies are the best at the goofy part but that's they way it is suppose to be in my opinion. I am thankful because I'm only funny on accident! Well time is up. I added a video and if you call our house at about 4pm, this is what you'll hear. Its a tribute to dads doing their thing... only this one ends on a sour note.
Notice Trey in the backgound. He is so oblivious to the chaos. It cracks me up. Note: I have noticed that many pictures I have posted which show my living room looks as if I never clean it. I don't know what to say except I promise it doesn't always look that way or maybe it does.
Oct 7, 2008
A Self-Portrait
They usually have fun with art. This time was no different. Then I was ready to bring home the spiritual truth of "pretty is means pretty does". This was a saying given to me by my mammaw when I was little and got a little out of line. I had them dictate to me what God loves to see in our hearts. In other words I said, "How is it that God wants us to act?" I then stapled there answers behind their self-portrait to illustrate looking on the inside of a person to see what is there.
Here were their answers (word for word including pronunciation) to what God saw in their hearts starting with Wil:
1. Skin
2. Nothing. I don't have anything else
Yes my sentiments son is a little confused. With Wil, you can't go on and on trying to explain something to him because he gets farther and farther away from the point. Had I tried to work with him I'm sure his response would have eventually been something like, I think God sees pickles in my heart.
Here were Maggie's answers to What does God want to see in your heart?
1. act very good
2. share toys with each other
3. if your mom says pick up toys, you pick up em' (word for word may I remind you)
4. if your mom says load up in the car, we have to go (can you tell what issues we have to address often)
5. do somethangs (yes thangs) that my mom says to do
6. if your goin' to cheerleader practice, I have to go (this response comes from a deep desire to be a cheerleader)
Now I was puzzled that Mags got the concept and Wil didn't. Remember I mentioned in a recent blog that Maggie said a couple months ago, "Jesus, will you come live in my heart?" during our devotion time one morning. The morning she prayed this we discussed some things and I can't say to you that she didn't know what she was saying because she seemed confident but I kept coming back to the fact that she is 3 years old.
Wil on the other hand says firmly that he has NOT asked Jesus into his heart because he doesn't want to go to heaven. Why? He wants to stay with momma and daddy he says. In a small way our lesson with the self-portrait reminded me that the message of the cross is foolishness to those who don't know Him but then again no one will ever accuse me of being a great teacher. What is my peace in home schooling? Not me but He who lives in me. When I am weak He is strong and God's Truth will be revealed to my kids if I'm obedient to live it out and seek the LORD when my son says that "skin" is what Jesus wants to see in our hearts.
I was tagged by my great friend Holly Taylor who is just as beautiful on the inside as she is on the outside, who is wonderfully funny, and makes me wish for more fashion sense!!!!!!!!
About me:
1 I don't understand hyperlinks
2. I can never get enough sleep
3. I love Elvis music
4. I really want a vacation with my family
5. I am so boring
6. When people fall down, it cracks me up (as long as they are not hurt)
7. I am not sure I'm suppose to make this a post but I'm gonna cuz Maggie is standing here staring at me as she waits patiently for me to wipe her
I don't have anyone to tag that hasn't been tagged...I don't think
Oct 4, 2008
Yard Sales and Marriage

Today was a great day of liquidating. I decided on a whim I would have a yard sale. Because this is my 3rd yard sale this season I didn't have a ton of stuff to liquidate, but my in-luvs [aka in- laws] always do. They enjoy going to auctions and yard sales. They have a gift when it comes to getting some deals which they turn around and gain profit. They bring a trailer full of furniture and other great attractions that draw a crowd. As for me, I had 3 goals in mind:
1. declutter (I promise you if I declutter much more I will be sitting in an empty house. I am the opposite of a pack rat which means I am uuuuuuhhh...I can't think of a word)
2. make money (I just want a nice Fall door wreath. Is that too much to ask?)
3. eat ribs (Tom's dad brought his smoker and slow smoked some ribs. Collis is "the man" when it comes to smokin' some grub)
I am proud to say all 3 goals were attained with a bonus I might add. The hubby and I got a chance to sharpen our vows as Wil and Mags got a chance to keep grandma and papa young by staying overnight! Trey stayed with mom at home. With 3 kids, we both are very aware of our need to date [each other of course]. Proverbs 29:18 says "Where there is no vision the people perish; but he that keepeth the law, happy is he." And I think it is fair to say "where there is no date night, the marital passion perishes; but he that dateth their spouse, happy is she (or he)" Well thats my take on it anyway. Thankfully I have been awakened by the fact that keeping my marriage fresh should be a priority for me. And plus I love having QT with Tommy. There is no other who can compete for my attention!! When the kids are away, there is no question where I wanna be. Tonight we had a Starbucks date. Uninterrupted conversation makes for a great date. And even though I didn't come home with a Fall wreath, I come home with a renewed spirit and an even better marriage. I love you, Tom. Thanks for making our marriage top priority. Funny I didn't mean to tie my marriage into yard sales. I never know what direction my blogs will go.
Oct 1, 2008
My Wake Up Call
I didn't have a friendship with her and certainly didn't come in contact with her a lot and so I wonder if she knows Jesus as her Savior and not did she say a prayer ,but did she have a real relationship with HIM....a saving relationship with HIM? Hopefully so.
This brings me to a challenge and conviction that has been on my heart. For the past 3 weeks and for the next 4 weeks I am taking an inductive Bible study (Precept Upon Precept) on I Corinthians. As I was finishing up my homework last night I was faced with this question:) Is there anything that has kept you from preaching, proclaiming, sharing gospel of Jesus Christ. If so, what is it? If there is anyone out there who can answer no to this question please contact me. I am serious!!
These were my answers that I wrote down:
I don't get out much.
It's hard to know how to start the conversation.
Will my lack of gentleness come across as judgemental?
Is my love for them and my concern for their eternity in the forefront of my mind the way it should be?
Will I stumble and fail?
The last answer [will i stumble and fail] is where the LORD rebuked me. I'm just going to cut to the chase.
Romans 1:16 says For I am not ashamed of this Good News about Christ. It is the power of God at work, saving everyone who believes- the Jew first and also the
Salvation does not rest on me being eloquent or having all the answers. I Corinthians 1 and 2 state clearly that the Word of the Cross is the power of God and it is wonder-working power (of the blood....are you singing that hymn now). My very existence is in the hands of God and the reason I breathe is to glorify Him. But oh how I get wrapped up in my own agenda, my own plans, my own woes, my own interests. I should not be ashamed and I should not let anything distract me from sharing the gospel. The result is not within my power. That is a relief. People we know and love need Him, they need Him now and they need Him forever. Break my heart for those people but let me also remember it is by the power of God that salvation is granted.
The LORD is using my children for practice. Yesterday we were talking about how we need Jesus and therefore the Holy Spirit living in us to show us the way to act and live. And Wilson said "yep and I haven't asked Him yet." and I was thinking please let me live in a way that prompts the desire for Wil and Mags and Trey to receive Jesus. Maggie does still say that Jesus lives in her heart. She prayed the prayer about a month ago (with no pressure from me) but you never know with a 3 year old. Most importantly I must LIVE IT faith and belief in the Lord Jesus that is.