A year ago this piece of artwork would have sent my blood to a boil. Today it just slightly elevates me blood pressure. This is permanent marker on a brand new kitchen table chair. My Maggie is notorious for this sort of behavior. I'm not sure if she just wants to see how far she can go with me or if she really saw no harm in it. The last guess is highly doubtful don't you think. Maggie may be a lot of things but clueless is not one of them. Can I get an amen?? I won't get into the specifics on how I handled this little situation but I will say it involved a little wooden spoon we at the Archer household call "Mr Woody".
My verse this summer is Psalm 90:12 which is Number your days aright so that you may gain a heart of wisdom. Mags making her mark like this is unacceptable obviously but me going off on her without reserve is unacceptable as well. I want to make my days count with them. If I would have reacted without self-control, our whole morning would have been shot.
Our days are numbered. I want to make mine count. We are never guaranteed another day with those we love. My dear friend Melissa Meeker taught me so much. There were so many times throughout my day when I would think of her and be reminded first of the awesome strength that God gives and second how often my eternal perspective becomes blurred.
I started to leave that marker on that chair as a reminder. Who am I fooling. No I didn't. A picture of it worked just fine. And to all you anal moms like me who are asking themselves the important question. I got the marker off with Mr Clean's Magic Eraser but don't use it to wipe off your child's face--duh!!!!
From an artistic perspective, Maggie had a pretty good lion's mane going. Ha! You might have a little Van Gogh on your hands. Good job on maintaining self-control!
yes i'm commenting on my own blog..i feel like i must say this. even though maggie can be a hand ful i appreciate the way God made her. she is just like her daddy and look how awesome he turned out. maggie keeps our family laughing. i love her personality
if you would've let her finish it might have been something you'd want to leave.
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