This week our home school group had their annual basketball camp. It was our first year to participate and we have been enjoying it. The first day I failed my son and had to ask for his forgiveness. Most of us that have children have at least one who is just like us. For me, that is my oldest Wilson. I understand him so well because I'm just like him. I know why he has to have a plan to survive, why he won't break tradition even if it kills him, why he will erase his work 300 times until it is just right, why he can't tell a funny story to save his life, and why he despises chaos. My Wil is just like his momma, but sometimes it frustrates me because I want him to be distinctly different from me in the ways I don't like about myself. I hope that makes sense. Anyway we arrive at camp on the first day to utter shooting the basketballs, running around, and because it hadn't actually started yet there was no one to give instructions or any kind of plan. That will send Wilson running in the other direction or at least hiding behind my leg. Now I know how much fun he is going to have once he gets out there. I mean c'mon the child breathes sports. However he isn't budging and refuses to get himself a ball and play. I get so mad that I tell him in a not so nice voice that he is being ridiculous all the while knowing exactly why he is behaving this way. My frustration only made it worse. My very wonderful friend who can be honest with me was sitting right there. Rachel said "don't push it. you'll only regret it". That was not actually her words but what she meant was it isn't a battle you should fight. The LORD showed me that I must learn to discern when I should step in ....and make sure my motive is not because I want him to look a certain way. I should step in when his behavior or character is unacceptable (this was not the case). I do not want to be a parent that cares only what others think of my children , but sometimes I do care and most of the time I am wrong in that. God says train Wil, Maggie, and Trey in the way they should go by God's standards not people's standards or even my standards! I want to shoot for a 10 with them even if I only hit an 8 (and sometimes I won't even hit the board) BUT I want to do it for God's glory not my own.
Look at that fine form!
Thanks for the fun camp CHE.
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