Aug 3, 2009

Our First Day

Today was our first official day of school. Momma rolled out of bed late of all mornings, but we had a blessed day. I tried to ease us into it. We did our devotions at breakfast and headed to Walmart for folders and doughnuts. The only two "real" subjects we hit were math and grammar. Tomorrow, however, I am frightened of....its a full day! We'll have math, spelling, reading, history, writing, art, and math plus some. God is sufficient and I'm trusting in that to get us through. Shouldn't we everyday!
Here they are not so bright eyed first thing in the morning. Isn't it nice to wake up to a camera pointing right at you!!

Leave it to my Maggie girl to pose to make it "look" like she is well you know. Finally they found the perfect art work folder. By the semester's end they will be filled with cut-outs of hearts, and drawings of hearts of every color of construction paper. They both are really into drawing hearts these days.

....a little math

....a little p.e.

Trey's favorite subject is music. He can actually blow us a little tune on the lovely recorder.

Here Wil and Maggie are making a lap book on common person nouns. How else do you make nouns fun?

Our letters turned out a little too big I know, but you get the point.
Inside are pictures and symbols glued to help them understand the concept of common person nouns. We'll see how effective it is. Maggie is now too cool for school with momma's shades on. There were no complaints as we talked about doing it all again tomorrow. That's a relief!

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